Wednesday, January 14, 2009



  1. It's Spring

    Winnifred J. Mott

    Good-bye, snow! Good-bye, ice!
    Though of course you're very nice,
    I am glad you've gone away
    Leaving us this fine spring day.

    Here's my good old bat and ball!
    Marbles, too! How are you all?
    I am sure that I can play
    With you now, 'most any day.

    Good-bye, winter! Though it's true
    I've had lots of fun with you,
    Now I just could shout and sing;
    I'm so glad because it's spring!

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  3. April Showers song
    (to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot")

    Pitter patter rain drops
    (wiggle fingers to imitate rain)

    Falling from the sky (wiggle fingers downward)

    Here's my umbrella
    (action of opening an umbrella)

    Hold it high! (hands over head)

    When the rain is over
    (bring hands down slowly)

    and the sun begins to glow (make sun with arms)

    Little flowers start to bud (Kneel down)

    then grow, grow, grow!!! (slowly stand up)

    (great interactive song for Kindergartners, helps teach them the science of Spring, ie. rain and sun help the flowers grow, could be used in slightly older classrooms with more in depth scientific descriptions after each part)

    posted by Krista Canfield

  4. My Spring Garden

    Here is my little garden,
    Some seeds I'm going to sow,
    Here is my rake to rake the ground,
    Here is my handy hoe.
    Here is the big, round yellow sun;
    The sun warms everything.
    Here are the rain clouds in the sky;
    The birds will start to sing.
    Little plants will wake up soon,
    And lift their sleepy heads;
    Little plants will grow and grow
    In their little, warm earth beds.

    Posted by Erin Swallow

  5. Kite Days
    by Mark Sawyer
    A kite, a sky, and a good firm breeze,
    And acres of ground away from trees,
    And one hundred yards of clean, strong string --
    O boy, O boy! I call that Spring!

  6. Sing a song of Springtime - Sung to "Sing a Song of Sixpence"

    Sing a song of springtime,
    sunshine fills the sky.
    See the little bluebirds,
    as they fly on by.

    Look at all the flowers,
    blooming pink and blue.
    what a pretty time to sit
    and watch things start anew.

  7. Spring Highway

    yellow petal patterns
    taking joyful advantage
    of the farmer's fallow fields

    purple asserting itself defiantly
    tucked in between
    the wet

    manufactured silver mist of semis
    once winter barren branches
    now covered with that
    baby green brushed yellow
    pale with the exertion of unfurled photosynthesis

  8. The winds of March were sleeping,
    I hardly felt a thing.
    The trees were standing quietly.
    It didn’t seem like spring.
    Then suddenly the winds awoke
    And raced across the sky.
    They bumped right into April,
    Splashing springtime in my eye.

    --Margaret Hillert

  9. A poem for Earth Day (usually in April)

    We've been working on recycling
    All the trash we can.
    We've been working on recycling,
    It's a very simple plan.
    Separate your glass and paper,
    Separate your plastic and tin.
    Take the trash that you've recycled
    To your recycling bin!

    We've been working on reducing
    All the trash we can.
    We've been working on reducing,
    It's a very simple plan.
    Don't go wasting any products,
    Use just exactly what you need.
    Don't buy things in extra wrapping,
    Reduce and you'll succeed!

    We've been working on reusing
    All the trash we can.
    We've been working on reusing,
    It's a very simple plan.
    If it's a paper bag you're using,
    Don't use it once, use it twice!
    Give old clothes and toys to someone,
    To reuse them would be nice!

    -Meish Goldish

  10. A Child Of Spring

    I know a little maiden,
    She is very fair and sweet,
    As she trips among the grasses
    That kiss her dainty feet;
    Her arms are full of flowers,
    The snow-drops, pure and white,
    Timid blue-eyed violets,
    And daffodillies bright.

    She loves dear Mother Nature,
    And wanders by her side;
    She beckons to the birdlings
    That flock from far and wide.
    She wakes the baby brooklets,
    Soft breezes hear her call;
    She tells the little children
    The sweetest tales of all.

    Her brow is sometimes clouded,
    And she sighs with gentle grace,
    Till the sunbeams, daring lovers,
    Kiss the teardrops from her face.
    Well we know this dainty maiden,
    For April is her name;
    And we welcome her with gladness,
    As the springtime comes again.

  11. It's Time for Spring
    by Bobbi Katz

    My sweater's tight and itchy.
    My snow pants are too small.
    Last week I lost a mitten.
    I can't find my scarf at all!

    My woolen socks have lost their toes.
    My boots have lost their tread.
    And I have lost the love I had
    For words like "skis" and "sled"!

    But . . . my fishing rod still fits.
    And . . . my baseball bat still hits.
    I have a kite that wants to fly.
    So . . . winter, call it quits!

  12. A Rain Song
    by Evaleen Stein

    Tinkle, tinkle,
    Lightly fall
    On the peach buds, pink and small;
    Tip the tiny grass, and twinkle
    On the clover, green and tall.

    Tinkle, tinkle,--
    Faster now,
    Little rain-drops, smite and sprinkle
    Cherry-bloom and apple-bough!
    Pelt the elms, and show them how
    You can dash!
    And splash! splash! splash!
    While the thunder rolls and mutters,
    And the lightnings flash and flash!
    Then eddy into curls
    Of a million misty swirls,
    And thread the air with silver, and embroider it with pearls!

    And patter, patter, patter
    To a quicker time, and clatter
    On the streaming window-pane;
    Rain, rain,
    On the leaves,
    And the eaves,
    And the turning weather-vane!

    Rush in torrents from the tip
    Of the gable-peak, and drip
    In the garden-bed, and fill
    All the cuckoo-cups, and pour
    More and more
    In the tulip-bowls, and still
    In a crystal tide until
    Every yellow daffodil
    Is flooded to its golden rim, and brimming o'er and o'er!

    Then as gently as the low
    Muffled whir of robin wings,
    Or a sweep of silver strings,
    Even so,
    Take your airy April flight
    Through the merry April light,
    And melt into a mist of rainy music as you go!

  13. "Hark, I hear a robin calling!
    List, the wind is from the south!
    And the orchard-bloom is falling
    Sweet as kisses on the mouth.

    In the dreamy vale of beeches
    Fair and faint is woven mist,
    And the river's orient reaches
    Are the palest amethyst.

    Every limpid brook is singing
    Of the lure of April days;
    Every piney glen is ringing
    With the maddest roundelays.

    Come and let us seek together
    Springtime lore of daffodils,
    Giving to the golden weather
    Greeting on the sun-warm hills."
    - Lucy Maud Montgomery, Spring Song

  14. Spring

    Spring is the best.

    Spring is everywhere in East and West,
    Spring has the smell of a treasure quest,
    leaves of Spring in a treasure chest.

    And all of the fruits of Spring,
    I would really like to taste.

    And the best thing about Spring is
    that never in Spring is my class test.

    Bohnishikha Ghosh

  15. Spring
    By Elaine Magliaro

    Soft, scented breezes, kite-catching winds, the
    Pitter patter of warm rain on the
    Roof, daffodils and daisies and lilacs
    In bloom, apple trees wearing snow-white crowns.
    Now the sun lingers at the edge of day and
    Green…lovely green…has come home to stay.

  16. MeredithC

    April Rain Song
    by Langston hughes

    Let the rain kiss you.
    Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
    Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

    The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
    The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
    The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night--

    And I love the rain.

  17. An April Day
    by Henry W. Longfellow
    When the warm sun, that brings
    Seed-time and harvest, has returned again,
    'Tis sweet to visit the still wood, where springs
    The first flower of the plain.

    I love the season well,
    When forest glades are teeming with bright forms,
    Nor dark and many-folded clouds foretell
    The coming-on of storms.

    From the earth's loosened mould
    The sapling draws its sustenance, and thrives;
    Though stricken to the heart with winter's cold,
    The drooping tree revives.

    The softly-warbled song
    Comes from the pleasant woods, and colored wings
    Glance quick in the bright sun, that moves along
    The forest openings.

    When the bright sunset fills
    The silver woods with light, the green slope throws
    Its shadows in the hollows of the hills,
    And wide the upland glows.

    And when the eve is born,
    In the blue lake the sky, o'er-reaching far,
    Is hollowed out, and the moon dips her horn,
    And twinkles many a star.

    Inverted in the tide,
    Stand the gray rocks, and trembling shadows throw,
    And the fair trees look over, side by side,
    And see themselves below.

    Sweet April!--many a thought
    Is wedded unto thee, as hearts are wed;
    Nor shall they fail, till, to its autumn brought,
    Life's golden fruit is shed.

  18. The Rules of Spring

    This spring, you must follow these rules
    In order to have success.
    This spring, you must not break these rules,
    Or you will be trapped in stress.

    This spring, you must roll in the dirt
    And smear some on the doormat.
    This spring, you must get soaked in rain.
    All you heard was a faint splat.

    This spring, you must get green grass stains
    On the jeans you’ve had two weeks.
    This spring, you must watch baseball,
    But you cannot stand such freaks.

    This spring, you must hear birdies sing
    Before everyone awakes.
    This spring, you must feel weather, warm
    No more hints of soft snowflakes.

    This spring, you must scrub your house clean
    And toss half the things you own.
    This spring, you must spin the time forward;
    An hour of sleep long gone.

    This spring, you must miss school a week,
    A great freedom called Spring break.
    This spring, you must have striking fun
    Swimming in the still-cold lake.

    This spring, you must intently watch
    The season for all these things:
    Dirt rolling. Rain splashing.
    Grass staining. Freak watching.

    Bird singing. Snow melting.
    House cleaning. Sleep loosing.
    School skipping. Sun dancing.

    Sarah Mangan

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  20. Posted by Lisa White


    Today is the day when bold kites fly,
    When cumulus clouds roar across the sky.
    When robins return, when children cheer,
    When light rain beckons spring to appear.

    Today is the day when daffodils bloom,
    Which children pick to fill the room,
    Today is the day when grasses green,
    When leaves burst forth for spring to be seen.

    By Robert McCracken

  21. Tamika Merkison
    Bunny Hip Hop By: Ashley Johnston
    Sung to: "Frere Jacques"
    I'm a little bunny
    hip hip hop, hip hip hop
    I run all day
    searching for carrots,
    yes I do, yes I do

  22. Here is a Beehive
    A finger play

    Here is the beehive, where are the bees?
    (clench fist and bring out fingers quickly one by one)
    Hidden away were nobody sees
    Watch and you will see them come out of their hives,
    One, two, three, four, five,
    Buzz, buzz, buzz.

  23. Spring

    The alder by the river
    Shakes out her powdery curls;
    The willow buds in silver
    For little boys and girls.
    The little birds fly over
    And oh, how sweet they sing!
    To tell the happy children
    That once again 'tis spring.
    The gay green grass comes creeping
    So soft beneath their feet;
    The frogs begin to ripple
    A music clear and sweet.
    And buttercups are coming,
    And scarlet columbine,
    And in the sunny meadows
    The dandelions shine.
    And just as many daisies
    As their soft hands can hold
    The little ones may gather,
    All fair in white and gold.
    Here blows the warm red clover,
    There peeps the violet blue;
    O happy little children!
    God made them all for you.

  24. The flower

    Here's a green leaf, (show hand)
    and here's a green leaf (show other hand)
    that, you see, makes two. (hold up two fingers)
    Here is a bud (cup hands together)
    that makes a flower;
    Watch it bloom for you!
    (open cupped hands gradually).
